How to earn money ₹45-50 Per Month

Hey Guys- Everyone Want How to Earn Money online Without Doing Any Job But it’s not possible, But Don’t Worry ihave Multiple ideas to earn money on working at your with yours skills you will make money- more then.

Easy Ways To Make Money
  • You must know that to earn money you have to work hard and have to work hard but if you have a good skill then you can earn lakhs of rupees per month.
If you spend some time on what I am going to tell you and work on it by learning something new, then no one can stop you from becoming successful. You do not have to do much in this, just work a little hard, you will get a fixed salary every month. Do not waste your precious time in useless reels and entertainment.
  • You can start working on any one of these topics. These are such platforms through which you can earn money quickly.
  • 1.YouTube – This Platform is Best platform for earn money.

•But- How To grow Fast on YouTube 

Easily Monetize –
It is very easy to grow on youtube now but there is also a lot of competition on it. But let me tell you that if you work on it like this then you can monetize your channel very quickly without much effort. You just have to make one short video on youtube daily in which you have the skill and keep in mind that the quality and voice of your video should be good and you have to put tags on your videos through chat gpt, that too only five or five and you have to upload them between nine and twelve in the morning and keep in mind that the video should be only thirty seconds long. You can grow gradually and upload bigger videos.
  • 2.Bloging – This Platform is doesn’t need show face, only need skills of writing.
-Monetize through ads, affiliate marketing, sponsored posts
  • You can earn more money through blogging than YouTube, yes friends blogging is such a place where you can grow by writing something good, you can earn money in blogging without showing your face, in this you can work on the topic of your interest such as.
  • 1.News Blogs
  • 2.Tech Related Blogs
  • 3.personal care
  • 4.Finance 
  • 5.Stock Market 
  • 6.Health 

3.Freelancing- This Platform is give u job on your skills.

Freelance – You will need some skills for this, such as: 

  • 1.Graphic design
  • 2.writing
  • 3.programming
  • 4.Video and Animation 
  • 5.logo maker
  • 6.Digital Marketing
  • 7.Photography
  • 8.Translation and Language Ser vices
  • 9.Consulting
  • 10.Tutoring and Education
  • 11.virtual assistance are in demand.
Platform- Upwork, Fiver.
4.Teaching – This Platform is Teach Students online And earn- Online Teaching and Tutoring.
  • Subjects- academic subjects, skills and hobbies Languages
Platform- udemy, Teachable, vipkid

5. Sell Photos And Video’s 

You can earn a lot of money by selling photos and videos, but you have to shoot them yourself.
  • Sell this platforms- Getty images, Shutterstock, Adobe Stock
  • This is Best platform for photographer and videographer.



Thank You-


Earn money online
Make money online
How to earn money quickly
Easy ways to make money

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